Whether that’s the work activities or the https://gkingdomenterprises.com/levant---betting-& casino/general-entertainment social activities, and learning about people’s preferences for inclusion. We flipped it upside down and said, what if we had a meetup and did essentially no work, nothing extra, nothing scripted, purely focus it on social time, purely focus it on bonding because that’s what we need more of. And I think that’s why we kept doing them too. But the first one was those ad hoc moments where you’re all just sitting around and having a discussion about something, but it’s a very deep discussion. I think a lot of people are adopting these kinds of, you know, best practices that fully distributed companies have come up with. I think all that work of slowly perfecting the model and showing that it works, sort of, at the right time was all available for people to go, “Oh OK, let’s try that.” And then I think the other thing that happened is we had less to do with all the tools that started to become available. And just leading by example, I guess, other companies now look and go, “Oh yeah, that’s an option. And that’s something which is very important to pick from our colleagues who are in our close circle.
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NAGESH PAI: It’s very imperative to have very good connections amongst ourselves within the team so that we are following the same path we are following the same great vision of what we aspire to do as a company, to our users. We have ours, a little shorter, usually three days every quarter, four times a year. However, when we were having them before that, it usually lasted about seven to eight days and we usually held them in September or October, and it was a week when the whole company could get together. And we ask people after their meetups to actually write a summary on our internal, we call it Meetomattic and it’s a P2 or a website where all the teams record experiences of their meetup and actually rate the location about whether it would be good for other teams to go. Whether it doesn’t have to be around a bar or a restaurant, it can be just couches in the hotel and just finding those nooks and saying, well, let’s have a deep discussion about the one that comes to mind is the history of Scotland, for example and common law in Scotland.
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I think most times you’ll actually see a lot more people that you don’t often see, which is somewhat intentional in some contexts like around meal time and things like that. You can’t skip these.” And it’s really important to say that up front to people and say, “Look, there’s 52 weeks in a year. There’s no function to that really but it’s great for the heart, for the soul. So what would be some good questions or things for people to do when they are in those meetings? A second type of meet up is team meetups, which is very similar to the Grand Meetup, but on a much, much, much smaller scale. And so it gives you an understanding of people’s work styles, which are very different and helps the organizers to really plan a much more inclusive event. It’s really nice to be in a place where you feel like, “Oh, it’s just us. And then you start to see other people trickle in that, maybe you’ve worked with before that you’ve met. So, standing in a buffet line at a meal, for example, and you look across the table and you see someone you haven’t seen in three years, who’s now moved to bahsegel sitesi a different division in the company and you say, “Oh wow. So this is precisely what I got from some of these meetups, across a dinner table or a nice pleasant drink. We need more places where these teams can gather and spend several days and be creative together.
My family is from Nepal, I wrote a story for Axios about Nepal’s geopolitical role in Asia as between these stalwarts, India and China. He wrote a blog post talking about the importance of meetups at Automattic. And it’s not just about rotating to the coding role or the developer role that I’m trying right now. I’m proud that we’ve been able to help this model gain more mainstream acceptance. DYLAN: Okay. I think Figma, just the more you can empower people that are wanting to start organizations inside of Figma or groups, the more that you can get people to create culture events on their own, it’s always winning over, you know, top down, here’s what we’re going to do, I think it’s much better to have it bottoms up. You would think people would move more for economic opportunity but it has actually gone down. A lot of people didn’t like the idea. How does the band prepare for a show when all of the members are distributed? And are we actually open to the inspiration that we can get from others? So, that was already a pattern that was established and in my background, coming from other startups and spending a little bit of time at Yahoo, at a bigger company, kinda seeing if we fast forward this, if WordPress gets huge and we have a huge team, how can we make this work at scale?
Diplomatik pasaport sahiplerinin yurtiçi giriş ve çıkışlarda (ihbar olmadıkça) kendilerinin ve eşyalarının aranmaması gerçeğinden hareketle yurtiçine giriş ve çıkışlarda kara para, silah ve uyuşturucu gibi hususlarda aranmama imkânından Ömer Lütfü TOPAL’ın da istifade etmiş olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Ömer Lütfü TOPAL’ın üzerinde bulunan, Savcılıkça ailesine teslim edilen SSCB’ne ait Diplomatik Pasaportun Türkmenistan Cumhurbaşkanı tarafından verildiği, bu pasaportun Türkmenistan, Azerbeycan ve Amerika seyahatlerinde adı geçen kişi tarafından yurtiçi giriş ve çıkışlarda kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Ömer Lütfi TOPAL’ın sahibi olduğu Emperyal A.Ş’nin Özelleştirme İdaresi Başkanlığınca satışa çıkarılan HAVAŞ’ın ihalesine katılmak üzere teklif vermesi üzerine, ABD’nin Ankara’daki Büyükelçiliğince Dış İşleri Bakanlığı’na 23.2.1995 tarihinde, HAVAŞ’ı satın almaya talip olan adıgeçenin, 1977 yılından bugüne kadar Avrupa ve ABD’ne yönelik teşekkül halinde uyuşturucu madde kaçakçılığına dair kayıtlar bulunduğu, yukarıda belirtilen mahkumiyetlerinin olduğu belirtilerek, teklifinin değerlendirilmesinde bu hususların dikkate alınması yönünde bir Nota verildiği, ABD’nin Türkiye’de takip ettiği bu kişinin sahibi olduğu Emperyal Şirketine, Türkiyede yaptığı işlemlerde Ülkemizdeki Yetkili Mercilerce gereken incelemeler yapılmadan, “Talih Oyunu Salonları İşletme İzni” verilmesi düşündürücüdür. Sami Hoştan ve Ali Fevzi Bir isimli şahıslarda Ömer Lütfi Topal’ın İstanbul’daki bir kumarhanesinin ortaklarıdır. “Susurluk kazası” olarak Türkiye’nin gündeminde yer alan olayların, ülke genelinde tüm yönleri ile aydınlığa kavuşması ve olaylarda iştiraki olan başka kişilerinde varlığının belirlenmesi için; Sarıyer C.Başsavcılığınca tahkikatı sürdürülen Ömer Lütfi Topal’ın öldürülmesi olayı, Silivri C.Başsavcılığınca tahkikatları sürdürülen Tarık Ümit’in kaybolması ve İran uyruklu Asker Smitko-Lasem Ecmaili’nin öldürülmesi olayları, Sapanca C.Başsavcılığıncaa tahkikatı sürdürülen Behçet Cantürk ve arkadaşlarının öldürülmesi olayı, Gaziantep C.Başsavcılığınca tahkikatı sürdürülen Mehmet Ali Yaprak’ın kaçırılması olaylarının tahkikatlarının ikmal edilmesi, olay faillerinin somut delilleri ile ortaya çıkarılması gerekmektedir.
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